Intelligent Character Recognition system for visually impaired people
The project is to develop a system, which use optical character recognition (OCR) software to detect words, line and paragraph, pronounce that accordingly. Furthermore to help a visually impaired people. We also added few extra features like voice control switching which execute with respect to given command. This system will help blind people with their daily necessary things. Seeing rising number electronic device made in different aspect of life, ICR system help listening text which are written on paper and help household switching control. Current systems, however, have problems with complexity, high costs, non-open sources and multiple incompatible standards. This project intends to design an open source, reasonably priced and way easy to use ICR, which will be done by interfacing the open source Arduino, Raspberry Pi microcontroller; creating a simple, easy-to-use system to help blind people. The project was carried out in quite a few stages. Firstly, Arduino is the first set for rolling paper on the tray for taking image of the document. Next, webcam will take image to the Raspberry Pi and matching image with its own library for filter and processing its word, text, line and paragraph. Intelligent character recognition is specially used for recognizing typed letter. Last of all, it will convert image as an audio file and gives output to the headphone. Blind people can listen the audio. We used power bank for its power. There are more extra feature added for better communication like home switching like controlling light on/off and fan on/off with the help of voice command.