Integrating sustainable development to the suppliers by the supply chain sustainability GRAMEENPHONE Ltd.
Grameenphone is one of the largest telecommunication organizations in Bangladesh. As
requirement of completion internship I have chosen my organization as a Grameenphone which
is Multinational Telecommunication Company in our country. In this Research paper I gave brief
description one of the departments of Grameenphone which is Supply Chain Sustainability.
Supply Chain Sustainability is one of the important departments of Telenor group and as a part
Grameenphone must have to maintain this department in their organization. As an intern over
there last three month I have had great experience to learn about this organization and show it
their improvement among organization. I also visited more than fifty supplier's organization of
Grameenphone from where I gather my survey question's answer. After giving feedback again i
contract with them and gathered information with evidence they are maintaining or not.
This paper will tell about 30 organization sustainability and their laws and regulation and are
they maintaining heath, safety and security laws moreover environment policy and overtime
policy and finally anti corruption policy. I took over there 30 organization and survey about these
topics went inspection and observe them. After taking survey I gave them feedback and lacking
and ask for improvement policy of them. After days later I took feedback from them are they
aware about it or not about theses compliance issues.
After taking feedback I make a scenario of them in graph and showed with this graph how
sustainable they are and how much they are maintaining all the labor laws, government
regulation and compliance issues. Grameenphone Supply Chain Sustainability Department does
same things towards their suppliers and makes them sustainable towards Bangladeshi law and
government regulations.
In this report I tried to attach all five activities which is major issues now days for any
organization and which need for smoothly to run any business. Grameenphone wants that so that
their suppliers can overcome all obstacles from regulatory part and from government.