Study of LSPR characteristics of nano bi-pyramid as metals, transition metal nitrides and transparent conducting oxides for bio-molecule detection
The Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) occurs when the electrons in the nanoparticles interact with incident electromagnetic field. The potential to develop highly sensitive and specific sensors for biological targets using LSPR motivates a portion of the research in this field as we have seen the use of LSPR spectroscopy in medical diagnostics and other applications in optics, photo catalysis, medicine and photovoltaics. Extensive works have been done by various researchers on LSPR characteristics and applications largely based on Gold (Au) and Silver (Ag) nanoparticles of different structures and shapes. In our research we studied LSPR characteristics of a single nano bi-pyramid made of different materials other than gold and silver. We calculate individual material performance of nano bi-pyramid of different dimensions and background environment using Mie calculation by finding extinction and electric field intensity and create database for the purpose of bio-molecule detection.