Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Assessing willingness to pay for safe drinking water in Tala union of Satkhiradistrict, Bangladesh
(© 2016 Published by BRAC University, 2016)
The people of the coastal regioo of Bangladesh are facing severe difficulties in accessing safe
drinking water mainly during the dry period. Tala upazila of Satkhira district is ooe of the most
affected areas because of ...
Context specific safe water supply technologies for vulnerable climatic and geomorphologic areas of Bangladesh
(© 2016 Published by BRAC University, 2016)
The detection of arsenic in shallow groundwater threatens groundwater based water supply in
Bangladesh. Seawater encroachment in coastal aquifers is another major problem for the
availability of fresh water. On the other ...
Climate change adaptation policies in Bangladesh: gap analysis through a gender lens
(© 2016 Published by BRAC University, 2016)
Policy reform is a necessary approach to implementing appropriate responses to climate change.
Despite the acceptance of the role of gender in determining vulnerabilities related climate change,
low reorganization has ...
Seasonal siitfting and its impact on crop production: local community perception of Satkhira district
(© 2016 Published by BRAC University, 2016)
In Bangladesh, climate change apparently has started to affect the climatic parameters which cause
seasonal shifting and the behavior of different seasoos. This kind of pheoomeoon is currently
posing a serious threat to ...
Antibacterial resistance: a comparative study between clinical and environmental isolates
(© 2016 Published by BRAC University, 2016)
This comparative study was carried out to investigate the presence of antibiotic sensitive and
resistant bacteria isolated from different environmental samples of Bangladesh with specific clinical
strain obtained from ...
Evaluation of the aquifer system and groundwater quality of the north-western districts of Bangladesh for development potential
(© 2016 Published by BRAC University, 2016)
Considering the comparatively low agricultural production in the area, assessment of the potential
of increased agricultural production in Panchagarh, Thakurgaon, Dinajpur and Joypurhat districta
was undertaken, through ...
Housing for middle-income group of Dhaka: role of public and private sector
(© 2016 Published by BRAC University, 2016)
Fast pace of urbanization and poor econoroy followed by inequitable distribution of resources bave
created severe housing problems in Dhaka city, particularly for low and middle income population.
With limited resource ...
Automation, heat loss reduction and optimum positioning of solar hot water system with storage tank in Bangladesh
(© 2016 Published by BRAC University, 2016)
Since time immemorial, the necessity for hot water has been indispensable regardless of the advent
of modem technology. In the dawn of the 21st century, only the means to heat the water has
changed - now we mostly use ...
Determining sources of groundwater salinity in the multi-layered aquifer system of the bengal delta, Bangladesh
(© 2016 Published by BRAC University, 2016)
The study area lies on the coastal belt of the Bengal Delta, southern Bangladesh. This study bas
been condocted to deteonine salinity sources in the multi-layered aquifers of the Bengal Delta.
Dissolved major ions including ...