Low latency image processing of transportation system using parallel processing coincident multi-threading (PPcM)
Image processing is one of the most widely used and dominant techniques in different sector of multimedia services. It has been considered as the most prominent and successful method evaluating its development in the area of interactive mass communication. While multi-threading is a very popular and prevalent process where multiple activities can proceed concurrently in the same program. As a result, in our research we try to bring a new approach of combining the image processing in the midst of multi-threading and parallel processing. Since the advance transportation system is one of the most significant and prominent representation of developing technology in this modern era. Therefore we implemented our proposed procedure on various feature of autonomous and advanced transportation technology for justifying our methodology. Our proposed algorithm PPcM (parallel processing coincident multi-threading) gives more efficient and proficient result in account of time, control, communication and computing techniques and ensure low latency.