Exposition of aspiration: shipbuilding journey through design Patiya, Chittagong
Shipping industry is the driving force behind communication and trade from the earliest of time and presently shipbuilding industry is becoming the largest foreign exchange earning sector for maritime countries worldwide. As a result, this sector is another motivating force for socio-economic uplift in Bangladesh resulting into job opportunities for workers who are unemployed despite having the skills and knowledge to carry out the work. Unfortunately, worker safety, health and environmental factors in Bangladesh are currently challenged, creating a need to resolve them through design and awareness amongst people. In addition to this, people are unaware of the incredible journey of the birth of a ship and the hardship and aspirations that the workers go through in the process of building ships. Hence, the aim of this project is to exhibit the shipbuilding process for the people to observe and acquire knowledge, which highlights the importance of spaces for workers relaxation, without compromising the compliance and regulations of an industry.