Media discourse: understanding the language of news
Now-a -Days Media has become the main way of communication to reach the people. Media includes broadcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio and online news etc. News is heart of media, and it develops people’s knowledge; understanding and attitude, towards the things that they do not know. People usually depend on media to get current news. Since the development of the Internet, mass people got the access of same news in an instant, instead of waiting for hourly television news. But sometimes people get confused when they watch same news in different language. The have complaint that different media publish and broadcast their work in different ways. In this paper researcher will be looking at how language varies from one media to another.A qualitative research has been conducted for this study. Researcher has selected some news events randomly and collected the Television news and Newspaper’s news of those events. Researcher has chosen 10 people to watch those recorded news as well as read those news. Then researcher gave them, a questionnaire to fill up. Then 5 people who have experience in working both print media and electronic media has been interviewed. They had to answer for 10 questions regarding news differences between two media.
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in English, 2016.Department
Department of English and Humanities, BRAC UniversityType
- Thesis, B.A. (English) [624]