Population services and training center
The worldwide populace of around 6 billion where women constitute about portion of it, approximately ONE billion women have either confronted, keeps on confronting or will confront misuse because of culprits. It has been found that the area of South East Asia has the most astounding rates of violations submitted against women, and inside of the limits of this district, nations. For example, India, Thailand and Bangladesh experience gigantic issues of violence against women (VAW). In light of the present conditions and the way that the present arrangement is never comprehensive, an endeavor has been made to outline an arrangement of restoration offices which would give a general vocational training to female victims of aggressive behavior at home. To make women realize what they deserve. Basic human rights are not the only right they deserve. They have to right to get respect and love. They have the right to work outside and get established. VAW does not only affect the women but also the children and the society. Children who are the future of the society learn from what they hear or listen. They imply those things on their life. They will do the same things as they have seen and thus the cycle of violence will continue. PSTC have been working with social issues for a long time. The object of this project is where every last one can have the capacity to discover a method for creating themselves, either to reestablish their broken characters or to end up better individuals by figuring out how to confront VAW and henceforth add to improve a general public.