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dc.contributor.authorRahman, Md. Khalilur
dc.contributor.authorTarannum, Narzu
dc.identifier.citationRhaman, M. K., & Tarannum, N. (2013). A rule based approach for implementation of bangla to english translation. Paper presented at the Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies, ACSAT 2012, 13-18. doi:10.1109/ACSAT.2012.98en_US
dc.descriptionThis conference paper was presented in the International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies, ACSAT 2012; Kuala Lumpur; Malaysia; 26 November 2012 through 28 November 2012 [© 2012 IEEE] The conference paper's definite version is available at:
dc.description.abstractAn initiative to model a Bangla to English (B2E) translation using Natural Language Processing (NLP) was proposed in our previous research. Here we implemented the model with a lot of modifications. A very successful translator is observed in Anubadok Online which is based on Penn Treebank annotation system and it can only translate English sentences to Bangla. Penn Tree Bank is the collection of English corpus, so Bangle linguistic processing is not observed there. Bangla is an Irregular Language. In our previous research, we proposed a case structure analysis for verb. There are a lot of influences of case in Bangla language. The relationship between verb and case elements is an important issue for Bangla language. But in our current implementation we used rule based approach. For Bangla-English translation first we performed morphological analysis for Bangla then we used rule based analysis where we considered a limited feature of case analysis. After that, using a dictionary we translate bangle words into English. To make an English sentence, we considered English SVO grammatical rules. Our current system is successfully implemented for the translation of Assertive-Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative sentences.en_US
dc.publisher© 2012 IEEEen_US
dc.subjectCase structure analysisen_US
dc.subjectMorphological analysisen_US
dc.subjectNatural language translationen_US
dc.subjectSemantic analysisen_US
dc.subjectSyntactic analysisen_US
dc.titleA rule based approach for implementation of bangla to english translationen_US
dc.typeConference paperen_US
dc.contributor.departmentDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, BRAC University

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