Application of group work in teaching grammar
Teaching grammar in Bangladesh has always been one of the most controversial field of English
teaching as so many different ideas on the way of teaching has been imposed through years to
years. However, although it is common to use group work in teaching four English skills, the
question of applying group work to teach English grammar lessons is still not popular. This
research aims to identify the application of teaching English grammar with the help of textbook
and by using group work activities. This experimental study has been conducted to only 2nd
grade male and female students of a private school in Dhaka. The researcher have selected four
sections consist of 25 students in each. Then of the four selected sections at each level, two
sections have been assigned as the experimental and the other two as the control group. The
experimental group at each stage has been taught English grammar through group work activities
whereas the control group has been taught English grammar in the traditional way. Both the
groups at each stage have been exposed to essentially the same experience, except for the method
of instruction. The data that has been obtained in each class has been tabulated and analyzed both
in the quantitative and qualitative manner that has been revealed the research finding.
Deductive teaching; Grammar teaching; Group work; Inductive teaching; Strategies; Learning grammarDescription
This thesis report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Teaching to Speakers of Other Languages, 2016.Department
BRAC Institutes of LanguagesType
- Thesis (M.A in TESOL) [113]