Comparative analysis between Inception-v3 and other learning systems using facial expressions detection
In the last five years or so, Machine Learning has taken the world by storm. From predictive
web browsing, to E-mail classification, to autonomous cars; machine learning is at the heart
of every intelligent applications that’s in service today. Image Classification and Facial
Expression Recognition is another field that has benefited immensely from the emergence of
this technology. In particular, an branch of Machine Learning called Deep Learning, has shown
tremendous results in this regard even outperforming more conventional methods such as Image
Processing. Inspired by neurons in the human brain, Artificial Neural Networks, allow us to map
complex functions by stacking layers upon layers of these networks. Our goal in this paper, is to
analyze Inception v-3, the best performing high resolution image classifier based on Convolutional
Neural Network out there today, with other methods including one of our own to see how it
performs on low resolution images detect Facial Expressions.