BRACU Faculty Publications: Recent submissions
Now showing items 301-320 of 665
A new multilevel solar panel system for urban areas
(© 2013 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2013)A new multilevel solar panel system is proposed for its use in urban residential solar home systems. The proposed system consists of three panels mounted in a rack one above another at a fixed distance from each other to ... -
A two-seater light-weight solar powered clean car: preliminary design and economic analysis
(© 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014-07)This paper outlines the design of a prototype solar powered light-weight economically affordable clean car for the daily office commuters of Dhaka city. Calculation in this paper shows that the solar power alone will be ... -
Erratum to: Defining and measuring literacy: facing the reality
(© 2011 International Review of Education, 2011-08) -
Defining and measuring literacy: facing the reality
(© 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2011-08)Increasing recognition of a broadened concept of literacy challenges policy-makers and practitioners to re-define literacy operationally, develop and apply appropriate methods of assessing literacy and consider and act ... -
Quality with equity in primary education: implications of high stakes assessments on teacher practice in Bangladesh
(© 2015 Springer Netherlands, 2015-01)The purpose of this study is to investigate the teacher change process and understand how the variability of primary school teachers' in Bangladesh implementation of innovative pedagogies, such as active learning, refl ... -
The education system
(© 2016 Taylor and Francis Inc., 2016-01)In the past decade, Bangladesh has achieved significant social and economic progress. Despite high population density, a limited natural-resource base, underdeveloped infrastructure, frequent natural disasters and political ... -
Real time monitoring for the most vulnerable: pre-primary education in Bangladesh
(© 2013 Institute of Development Studies, 2013)One of the most unique examples of real-time monitoring supported by UNICEF is found in Bangladesh in the pre-primary education (PPE) programme operated by BRAC. Randomisation techniques are used for school selection by ... -
School drop out in Bangladesh: insights using panel data
(© 2012 Elsevier Ltd., 2013)This paper examines the relative strength of different factors associated with school drop out using data collected between 2007 and 2009 in Bangladesh. A sample of 9046 children, aged 4-15, was selected across six districts ... -
Alternative scenarios for BRAC University
(© 2013 Emerald Group Publishing Limited., 2013)Purpose: This article aims to present the scenarios, visions and strategies that resulted from a three day foresight workshop for BRAC University in Rajendrapur, Bangladesh. Design/methodology/approach: The workshops used ... -
Squaring the circle: EFA in the post-2015 global agenda
(© 2014 Elsevier Ltd., 2014-11)The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Education for All (EFA) initiative have influenced educational development in poor countries both positively and negatively. From the perspective of Bangladesh, international ... -
Erotic desires and practices in cyberspace: "virtual reality" of the non-heterosexual middle class in Bangladesh
(© 2014 Asian Institute of Technology, 2014)Sexually diverse and marginalized groups are constantly challenged to create spaces for realizing their sexual fantasies, desires and politics within the all-pervasiveness of heterosexual spaces. Technology has brought ... -
Factors affecting the utilisation of postpartum care among young mothers in Bangladesh
(© 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011-03)This article addresses the hypothesis that predisposing, enabling and need factors of households influence utilisation of postpartum care among the young mothers according to the timing and type of providers. To reach our ... -
Noninstitutional births and newborn care practices among adolescent mothers in Bangladesh
(© 2011 JOGNN - Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 2011)Objective: To describe home-based newborn care practices among adolescent mothers in Bangladesh and to identify sociodemographic, antenatal care (ANC), and delivery care factors associated with these practices. Design: The ... -
Issues with families and children in a disaster context: a qualitative perspective from rural Bangladesh
(© 2015 Elsevier Ltd., 2015-09)Natural disasters such as floods and cyclones have repeatedly devastated lives and destroyed the belongings of people. This is especially so for children and their families in Bangladesh. This study analyzed the specific ... -
The how I think questionnaire: assessing its psychometric properties in Bangladeshi culture
(© 2016 Elsevier, 2016)There is growing importance of the How I Think (HIT) questionnaire in clinical practice and cognitive research. Since the development of the HIT (Barriga and Gibbs, Aggress. Behav., 1996; 22: 333-343), a number of validation ... -
Design, implementation and performance of a controller for uninterruptible solar hot water system
(© 2011 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2011)This paper describes a novel design and implementation of an automatic control system for solar hot water system in both domestic and industrial purpose. The project consists of one 150 liters evacuated tube solar collector, ... -
Performance analysis of robotic arm manipulators control system under multitasking environment
(© 2011 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2011)To observe the performance of PC based robot manipulator under general purpose (Windows), Soft (Linux) and Hard (RT Linux) Real Time operating systems (OS). The same open loop system is observed in different operating ... -
Limits and opportunities to community health worker empowerment: a multi-country comparative study
(© 2016 Elsevier Ltd, 2016)Background In LMICs, Community Health Workers (CHW) increasingly play health promotion related roles involving ‘Empowerment of communities’. To be able to empower the communities they serve, we argue, it is essential that ... -
Lifelong learning in a learning society: are community learning centres the vehicle?
(© 2014 Brill, 2014)This chapter provides a historical perspective on the evolving concepts of lifelong learning and the learning society and makes the case for the community learning centre as a potential institutional vehicle for the promotion ... -
Training mid-level health cadres to improve health service delivery in rural Bangladesh
(© 2016 Cambridge University Press, 2016)Introduction In recent years, the government of Bangladesh has encouraged private sector involvement in producing mid-level health cadres including Medical Assistants (MAs). The number of MAs produced has increased ...