Now showing items 1-10 of 82
Factors affecting consumers preferences on fast food items in Bangladesh
(Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 2010-08)
Fast food industry is a high growing sector of Bangladesh. It is concerned with the tastes and habits of the people. The food-taking habit especially in fast food segment has been changing very fast over last decade among ...
Adverse effect of loan securitization on the stock prices of banks: empirical evidence from europe and america
(International Journal of Research in Computer Application and Management, 2013-03-05)
Securitization through its influence on the off balance sheet is likely to become a crucial determinant of the stock prices after the 2007 financial meltdown.
Depending on the tranche values and total assets of financial ...
Bangla-specific study of English Monophthongs
(© 2013 BRAC University Journal, 2013)
The non-phonetic nature of English spelling leads to unpredictable pronunciation. Thus, Bangla-speaking learners of English mispronounce English monophthongs--short and long vowels as contrasted with diphthongs--since they ...
Brain-Gain in Bangladesh: What makes it possible?
(© 2010 International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2010-06)
This paper examines the factors that are responsible for the migration of academics from developing countries to developed countries. After exploring the causes,the paper also examines the factors related with the return ...
Cross-country analysis of strategies for achieving progress towards global goals for women’s and children’s health
(© Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2016, 2016-02-21)
To identify how 10 low- and middle-income countries achieved accelerated progress, ahead of comparable countries, towards meeting millennium development goals 4 and 5A to reduce child and maternal ...
Computer assisted learning dictionary for rural students
(BRAC Univeristy, 2018-05)
It is observed that rural students (the target demography) are falling far behind in the countrywide standard tests like SSC and HSC. As high as up to 80% of students from rural areas are failing in national English ...
Bangladesh in the 21st Century: the harvard conference recommendations
(© 2008 Bangladesh Development Initiative, USA (BDI), 2008)
On June 13-14, 2008, an international conference was organized by Bangladesh Development Initiative, Democracy and Development in Bangladesh Forum, and the Ash Institute of Democratic Governance at Harvard University’s ...
Communication for behavioural impact in enhancing utilization of insecticide-treated bed nets among mothers of under-five children in rural North Sudan: an experimental study
(© 2016 BioMed Central Ltd., 2016-10-18)
Background: Malaria is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Sudan. The entire population is at risk of contracting malaria to different levels. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of communication for ...
Survival during economic shock: the role of firm experience
(Journal of State University of Bangladesh, 2010-07)
Based on organizational ecology and other management theories, this paper aims at finding a relationship between organizational aging and firm survival during economic shocks. There is differing evidence on whether ...
Lost in care pathway: a qualitative investigation on the health system delay of extra pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Bangladesh
(BRAC Univeristy, 2017-03-28)
Background: Although extra pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) has long been known as a major public health concern
globally, the complex healthcare-seeking pathways of EPTB patients are not widely studied. This study aims ...