Now showing items 1-10 of 54
Not friend, not foe: the rocky road of enfranchisement of Muslims into multicultural nationhood in Australia and New Zealand
(© 2008 Immigrants and Minorities., 2008)
This paper compares the images of citizenship available through multicultural policy provisions to the Muslim minority in Australia and New Zealand. Its enfranchisement is fraught with difficulties in both countries. A ...
Construction of laser raman system using diode laser and Its performance
(© 2009 Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 2009)
We constructed a laser Raman system using a commercially available infrared diode laser. The diode laser is used without any temperature controller in a stabilized power supply. Good quality Raman spectra of sufficient ...
Calculation of the bandwidth of a graded-index optical fiber using experimentally measured quantities
(© 2007 Dhaka University Journal of Science, 2007-01)
Bangladesh in the 21st Century: the harvard conference recommendations
(© 2008 Bangladesh Development Initiative, USA (BDI), 2008)
On June 13-14, 2008, an international conference was organized by Bangladesh Development Initiative, Democracy and Development in Bangladesh Forum, and the Ash Institute of Democratic Governance at Harvard University’s ...
Traffic congestions in Dhaka and socio-economic development in Bangladesh: some micro and macro-level connections
(© 2017 Bangladesh Development Initiative & The University Press Limited., 2007)
Development Issues of Bangladesh-III has been written with the theme: human development and quality of life in Bangladesh. The two concepts, central to the evolution of a civilized society, are approached from a variety ...
Computer simulation of Fresnel diffraction from rectangular apertures and obstacles using the Fresnel integrals approach
(© 2005 Elsevier Ltd., 2007-03)
In this paper, we describe a new computer simulation technique of generating Fresnel diffraction images from rectangular apertures of arbitrary dimensions by using Fresnel integrals instead of the more common fast Fourier ...
Muslims and the Australian labour market, 1980-2001
(© 2002 Frank Cass Publishers., 2002-11)
The unemployment of Muslims in Australia was 28 and 25 per cent compared to the national total of around nine per cent in 1986 and 1996 respectively (Australian Bureau of Statistics). This article conceptually analyses the ...
Are young Muslims adopting Australian values?
(© 2008 Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)., 2008-11)
Recently politicians in Australia have raised concerns that some Muslims are not adopting Australian values to a sufficient extent In this paper I explore the notion of Australian values with respect to immigrant youth. ...
The culture of mobile lifestyle: reflection on the past - the Afghan camel drivers, 1860-1930
(© 2009 Taylor & Francis., 2009-12)
In modern times when we speak of a mobile lifestyle we think of backpackers, fruit pickers, tourists, bikies or people living in caravans. Some people, of course, deliberately choose such a lifestyle. In the context of the ...
Organizational citizenship behavior: Its nature and antecedents
(BRAC University, 2004)
Theory and research on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCB) has presumed OCB as a set of desirable behaviors that contributes to the organizational effectiveness. So far OCB has been connoted as one of the antecedents ...