Browsing BRACU Faculty Publications by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 665
Human development and interaction in the age of ubiquitous technology
(© 2016 IGI Global, 1/27/2016)The human condition is affected by numerous factors in modern society. In modern times, technology is so integrated into culture that it has become necessary to perform even daily functions. Human Development and Interaction ... -
Reinforcement learning based autonomic virtual machine management in clouds
(© 2016 IEEE, 11/28/2016)Cloud computing is a rapidly emerging field, services and applications are more or less 24/7. Resource dimensioning in this field is a great issue. Research is already going on to imply reinforcement learning to automate ... -
Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in SrO: evidence for off-centre displacement of Fe2+ ions
(© 1978 Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, 1978)The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in single crystals of SrO are reported. Fe3+ ions occupy sites of orthorhombic symmetry and their EPR spectra have been fitted with an S=5/2 ... -
A local approach to urban housing design in bangladesh
(University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1987-05)one of the most important functions in the production Process of housing is the design of houses. The degree of success of the design depends on how well the house responds to users needs and its performance as a modifier ... -
Neighborhood community and quality of life
(Routledge, 1989)Metropolitan area residents have increasingly had more opportunities to become personally involved in communities outside of their local neighborhoods. The challenge for community development practitioners is to demonstrate ... -
The strategy pyramid: strategic marketing analysis for developing countries
(© 1990 The Haworth Press, Inc., 1990)Are low income economies destined to remain outstripped by the developed world in all aspects pertaining to standards of living? Are they constrained by their strategic stance? Improvements should eventually come as these ... -
Testing causal interrelationships between population dynamics, factors of technology, and economic growth
(© 1992 Centre for Urban Studies, 1992-03) -
Technical complexity and consumer knowledge as moderators of service quality evaluation in the automobile service industry
(© 1994 New York University., 1994)The relationship between a customer's assessment of the service quality of an automobile service/repair facility and five factors—(1) perceived fairness of the facility and its personnel, (2) empathy, (3) responsiveness, ... -
Macrolevel models of comparative economic growth in peripheral and core nations
(© 1994 The Asian Economic Review, 1994) -
Hospital advertising: the Influence of perceptual and demographic factors on consumer dispositions
(© 1994 MCB UP Limited, 1994)Examines the factors that influence consumer dispositions toward hospital advertising. Both perceptual and demographic variables were included in the analysis. The results suggest that when hospital advertisements are ... -
How consumers view hospital advertising
(© 1994 The Haworth Press, Inc., 1994)This paper examines consumer attitudes toward hospital advertising. The results do not support recent findings in other professional fields that consumers are favorably disposed toward this marketing activity. From a ... -
Thermal comfort for urban housing in Bangladesh
(Open University, 1994-09)The existence of a thermally comfortable domestic living environment is important for a healthy and productive life. In Bangladesh, the use of artificial means of environmental control to achieve indoor comfort is not ... -
Physician attitudes toward pharmaceutical sales representatives
(© 1995 Aspen Publishers, Inc., 1995)Physicians in northwestern Pennsylvania were surveyed to identify the factors that influenced their attitudes toward pharmaceutical sales representatives (PSRs). The results suggest that physicians' attitudes were influenced ... -
Dependence relations and the moderating role of trust: implications for behavioral intentions in marketing channels
(© 1995 Published by Elsevier Inc., 1995)This paper examines how the behavioral intentions of channel members are likely to be moderated by trust perceptions when dependence is high or low. An experimental research methodology using a 2 × 2 factorial design was ... -
Explaining the commitment of family planning fieldworkers in Bangladesh
(© 1996 Guttmacher Institute, 1996)Fieldworkers are a crucial component of the family planning program in Bangladesh; yet, the factors influencing fieldworkers' commitment--an important determinant of program effectiveness--have not previously been explored. ... -
Relationships of physicians with pharmaceutical sales representatives and pharmaceutical companies: an exploratory study
(© 1996 Taylor & Francis Online, 1996)Physicians were surveyed in Northwestern Pennsylvania to examine how they viewed their relationships with pharmaceutical sales representatives (PSR) and the pharmaceutical industry. Physicians viewed the PSR as an important ... -
An experimental investigation of satisfaction and commitment in marketing channels: the role of trust and dependence
(© 1996 Published by Elsevier Inc., 1996)This paper examines the independent and interactive effects of trust and dependence on satisfaction and commitment in a contrived dyadic exchange relationship. Trust and dependence were manipulated in a 2 × 2 factorial ... -
Factors influencing customer trust in salespersons in a developing country
(© 1996 American Marketing Association, 1996)Research on trust is limited in the context of developing countries. Because of its importance in facilitating exchange, this study attempts to assess the determinants of customer trust in salespersons in a developing ... -
Do warranties influence perceptions of service quality?: a study of the automobile repair and service industry
(© 1998 Published by Elsevier Ltd., 1998)The relationship between customers' overall evaluation of service quality and five factors — perceived fairness, empathy, responsiveness, reliability, and convenience — was examined in the automobile repair and service ... -
Delivering primary education in Bangladesh: enabling the field personnel
(© 1998 Published by MCB UP Ltd., 1998)To transform the population of Bangladesh into a more literate and numerate group so that higher‐order nation building objectives can be attained, primary education has a vital role to play. Its effective delivery depends ...