Crime & punishment museum and research center of criminology

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BRAC UniversityAuthor
Chowdhury, TurjoyMetadata
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The project “Crime & Punishment Museum and Research Center of
Criminology” aims to create a symbol of exemplary punishment for all kind of
crimes that take place in our society. If we look at our society or nation, we will
certainly observe that the crimes and criminals are increasing day by day and
after each and every crime, we always expect true justice in terms of exemplary
punishment of the criminals. But in reality we get tired counting on the crimes but
never see a single exemplary judgment or justice. If we look at the history, there
were different types of brutal punishment methods including open public
execution so that the fear of punishment decreases the crimes. Keeping human
rights of the criminals in mind, each and every time these processes were
banned though in some portion of the world, still public execution is going on.
Unfortunately the crimes never stops rather it increases. Also now a days we are
loosing the basic fear of punishment, as we know that the law and order is not
strong enough and it’s easy to cheat. So this project will play the role of
exemplary punishment not literally but more psychologically. In this museum
there will be exhibitory archive of crimes & criminals and the history of brutal
punishment methods. When civilian and general public will visit this place, it will
certainly remind them of the fear of punishment at the same time the shame on
the crime. There also will be facilities of criminological research. Which will
ensure a better future to the society regarding crimes and criminal issues.