Competitors analysis and financial analysis of Maximus mobile
Now a day, everyone likes to have more comfort in life. As progress insistently towards this it
has been appreciated that this is the time to disburse increasing concentration to the subject of
human console and entertainment. That’s why there is a significant choice of modish goods in
this world and a lot of companies are paying their awareness in this concern.
In spite of its authentic efforts, exceptional image and genuineness, the company is speedy by the
increasing and insistent competition in industry. Faced with growing competition in the market
and vast sales target Maximus realized the fact that there is no way but to be further aggressive in
marketing system. Though happy with the accessible marketing system yet Quartel Infotech
Limited (QIL) wants to remain their eyes open for unnoticed days and desires to develop their
existing financial situation and marketing system to manage with changing surroundings. They
are of very important significance for every company because they make a huge input in
marketing and promoting of mobile products. So the more helpful and well-organized the sale
forces are the more profit they can put together for their own as well as the company. This report
is undertaken particularly to evaluate the market position of Maximus.
There has some problems which are using as findings for The Maximus Mobile; the customer
service given by the company is not successful and well planned, lack of problem of marketing
and finance sector. Because of some problems, Maximus cannot come up with their competitors.
All through this competitive market there have various competitor companies who provides
better service than Maximus. To solve the problems Maximus Mobile should keep an eye on the
phones quality; maintain a good relationship with suppliers, dealers and retailers, appointing
skillful employees and make a good marketing system. Therefore this paper on “Competitors
Analysis and Financial Analysis of Maximus Mobile” shows a clear picture of different
competitors market position, tries to explore the field forces sale performance, excellence of the
products, financial condition, advertising usefulness, consumer service, quality of goods,
communication, transportation, dealer’s satisfaction and so on.