An autonomous robot for waiter service in restaurants
The Waiter-Bot is an exceptional autonomous robot which has the ability to follow a designated path like a pathfinder with the help of IR sensor arrays and reach its intended destination. It is an arduino based robotic design implemented to seek out and detect its required destination and perform its deliberate tasks with precision and accuracy. The Waiter-Bot consists of simple mechanical design which has simple mechanism with which performing the necessary tasks becomes easier. Due to its design parameters, it also requires less power and draws less current which allows us to work with the robot safely. Moreover, it also adds to the safety to its environment and the people around it. Its light weight build up allows us to assemble the parts without having the difficulty to carry it anywhere. Once assembled, the entire robot still remains light in its weight and can easily be moved around if necessary. Based on its complete set-up and overall parameters, the waiter-bot stands out on its own to become an important aspect to the solution of this thesis project.