Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Smart agricultural system for crop monitoring and soil analysis 

      Das, Bristy; Ul Hoq Sayor, Tahmid Zarif; Nijhum, Rubyat Jahan; Tishun, Mehnaz Tabassum (Brac University, 2022-12)
      Agriculture is the base of the economy in Bangladesh, however, 90% of the farmers are not familiar with modern-technological tools. That is the reason why we see very-little usage of modern tools in farming in our country ...
    • Smart agriculture management system for rice disease detection and fertilizer 

      Faiyaz, Md Abrar Hossen; Mohsin, Maliha Binte; Nahreen, Nayeema; Oaishi, Sofia Ahmed (Brac University, 2022-11)
      Bangladesh has the ninth-highest population density in the world. Despite significant advancements to meet the expanding food-demand, the nation still relies heavily on agriculture, with unpredictable crop yields and ...