Multi swarm optimization for following robot using RF communication
This is multi swarm optimization robot where present one master robot and other robots
thosefollow the master robot called coordinator robots. Here master robot transmits signal
and follower robots receive that signal and get optimized. By optimization there arises group
working concept among the coordinator or follower robots. Then they follow the master robot
until it working. Hence here use an optical sensor for localization. In this multi swarm
optimization process xbee is used for communication among the robots. Moreover, xbee is
used for its high range of distance capacity in communication. By this project, optimization
way is developed. All coordinator robots work as optimized way. As robots follow and
maintain a constant distant, they can carry also heaviest things and this type of work can help
our daily life also. Moreover, multiswarm optimization robotics is based on the use of local
rules, and simple robots compared to the complexity of the task to achieve, and inspired by
social insects. Large number of simple robots can perform complex tasks in a more efficient
way than a single robot, giving robustness and flexibility to the group. In this paper, an
overview of multi swarm optimized robotics is given, describing its main properties and
characteristics and comparing it to general multi-robotic systems. A review of different
research works and experimental results, together with a discussion of the future swarm
robotics in real world applications completes this work.