Centre for Puppetry
The project, ‘Puppet Animation Theatre and Children Centre’, aims to create a better world for the children that will ensure them to grow up in a joyful environment, to learn the basics of life, to see the difference between light and darkness, to choose the right path. Today we live in a polluted city and we cannot avoid human pollution from our life, form our society. People are becoming desensitized, so as our children. They practice slavery for moving forward and young mind grabs whatever it finds. Schools are not enough for children’s better up growing. They need a space of their own, where they will learn to know about themselves, and about the world that surrounds them. They will find all the colours of life and will be able to create their own philosophy of it. They will grow up so as they can make a difference. This project will perform as a home ground for our children. The project has two wings: one is the animation theatre based on puppetry and other is the children centre. Puppet as an art form communicates best with the children. Puppet, to a child, is like his/her play-mate. The theatre aims to produce puppet animated films on various stories that will help them learn values of life. It will also provide workshops on puppetry and live puppet shows where the children can participate. The children centre will help children to explore the colours of their imagination. This aims to provide a healthy environment and a ground to play. Since this art form includes almost all other types of art, this will help enhance each child’s ability to choose their own best.