Directory of nearest hospitals using mobile service
In Bangladesh we have five mobile telecommunication companies,
among all only two of them have GPRS system and near future they will bring
GPS system. This is why we want to develop a system that will work with GPS
and help people to get information about nearest emergency hospitals.
There are many directories available, which provide helpful
information to the people. However, the major problem with these directories is
that they are not user friendly. That is, although these directories might contain
many necessary information but due to lack of proper organization, these
directories tend to become confusing. As a result the ordinary people find it very
tough to use them. Location searching has always been a problem to everyone.
And when it comes to finding locations of hospitals in times of emergency, things
become more complex.
Thus, to make life a bit easier tried to develop a system that will help
people to get their desired address/location of the nearest hospital via SMS
(short message service).