Schizophrenic language : the possibility of early detection
This research attempts to find out the language and communicative impairments of the
patients with schizophrenia so that early detection will be possible through the analysis of
the language patterns. It gives an introduction to language dysfunction in schizophrenic
patients such as, problems in phonology, syntax, semantics, morphology and so
on.Patients suffering from schizophrenia have also been found to be impaired in their
pragmatic abilities in the comprehension of figurative language (e.g., metaphors, ironies,
proverbs).The thought disorder is considered to be one of the most significant reasons
behind their communication impairments. Along with this theory, other theories from
Psycholinguistics and Discourse Analysis are used to identify and explain the
impairments. This field of research is naturally bordering both psychology and
linguistics, but has until now been ignored by most linguists. This paper provides an
introduction to schizophrenia and language as an interdisciplinary field of research, as a
way of integrating linguistic theory with psychological method.For the empirical data,
interviews were conducted. This research study used a qualitative analysis of data
addressing change in the production of language as measured by verbal fluency testing,
as well as analysis of spontaneous speech of the participants. However, all the
psychiatrists, speech therapists and the family members of the patients agreed that the
patients with schizophrenia have several kinds of language impairments. They discussed
about the patterns of the impairments and how those can be detected. This paper
concluded with some of the ways in which the study of schizophrenia may offer new
insights into the cognitive and neural architecture of the language system.
English and humanitiesDescription
This thesis is submitted in a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English, 2014.Department
Department of English and Humanities, BRAC UniversityType
- Thesis, B.A. (English) [645]