Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Discourse of gender: conflicting ideologies vs. social policies
(BRAC University, 2004)
It is undeniable the influence that ‘ideology’ has in shaping our thoughts and how we perceive the world at large, as is undeniable the significant role it plays in maintaining the balance of power in a
society. It may ...
The notion of women as bearers of culture in Monica Ali's Brick Lane
(BRAC University, 2010)
Alistair Cormack (2006) describes Brick Lane as a 'post-colonial story' with a 'realist narrative'; to a post-colonial critic, this has many implications. Yet looking at this text from a feminist point of view has many ...
Gender inequality in the distribution of household expenditure in Bangladesh: a theil decompositon analysis
(BRAC University, 2007)
This paper attempts to study the gender inequality situation in Bangladesh during 1995-96 through examining the effect the gender of a household head and their marital status has on the per capita household expenditure. ...
Gendered marginalization of disabled bodies: understanding 'marginalization' as (perhaps) the most dangerous form of oppression
(BRAC University, 2005)
The essay applies Iris Marion Young's discussion of marginalization as a form of
oppression suffered differentially by specific social groups, in relation to women with
disabilities. It draws on Young's frame, which ...