Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Teaching language from literature background: bringing the best of two worlds
(BRAC University, 2006)
Teaching English Foundation courses at the undergraduate level by teachers from literature background is a common scenario in the private universities of Bangladesh. Though there have been debates regarding the appropriateness ...
Exploring the household compositions of female sex-workers in brothels: Daulatdia, a case study
(BRAC University, 2004)
The paper looks into the household composition of female sex-workers in Daulatdia Brothel, Bangladesh to understand the concept of ‘power’ within these households. Based on a limited number
semi-structured interviews of ...
Gendered marginalization of disabled bodies: understanding 'marginalization' as (perhaps) the most dangerous form of oppression
(BRAC University, 2005)
The essay applies Iris Marion Young's discussion of marginalization as a form of
oppression suffered differentially by specific social groups, in relation to women with
disabilities. It draws on Young's frame, which ...