Bed fall prediction system with integrated remote health monitoring
Patients with impaired mobility and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s
disease, dementia etc. are vulnerable to bed falls which can be damaging to their physical and
psychological well-being. Additionally, the growing old age population is also at risk of falling off
the bed. The bed fall prediction system with remote health monitoring will enable
caretakers/nurses to take care of them conveniently at homes, hospitals and assisted care facilities
to ensure their health and safety. This integrated system is designed to identify patient’s different
on-bed positions to determine the possibility of bed falls and monitor significant health vitals such
as body temperature, heart rate and oxygen saturation. In case of any risky position or abnormal
vital reading, the caretaker will be alerted via the Internet of Things (IoT). Therefore, this system
will be beneficial to a wide range of patients and monitoring them will be more accessible and