Unraveling the competitive edge and risk mitigation strategies of the Premier Bank PLC which will aid them in becoming one of the leading banks in the banking industry
The report on “ Unraveling the competitive edge and risk mitigation strategies of the Premier Bank PLC which will aid them in becoming one of the leading banks in the banking industry ” aims at investigating the measures that Premier Bank can utilize to maintain their competitive position , mitigate the immense challenges offered by the banking industry and how to overcome these by using proactive , effective strategies which can lead them to become of the best banks in the banking industry . This report is divided into 3 chapters. The first chapter talks about Internship Overview where all the necessary information regarding the internship including my job responsibilities and the internship outcomes is discussed thoroughly. The second chapter of this report has a detailed discussion about Premier Bank PLC where Porter’s five forces model is analyzed to study competitive analysis. In the last chapter of the report, the objective behind conducting this research is stated along with the methodology and literature review. This chapter also includes the solutions to the problems and necessary recommendations to Premier Bank PLC to help them become one of the top-tier banks in the banking sector.