Quality daycare centers for children’s development and learning: A perception study of the mothers
This qualitative study was conducted in Dhaka, Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar to
explore the similarities and differences in the perception of mothers (who work
outside and inside their home) about the importance of quality daycare centers for
children’s development and learning. In-depth Interview (IDI) and Focus Group
discussion (FGD) has been used to find out what mothers are considering for quality
daycare centers, whether they are showing interest in sending their children to daycare
centers for their children’s development and learning or not and what they are
thinking about it. This study will help to find out the reasons why some mothers are
choosing daycare centers for their children and some mothers are against it.
This study shows that most of the working inside mothers and working outside
mothers have basic understanding about the quality daycare centers and its
importance for children’s development and learning. However, mothers who work
outside home are against sending their children to daycare centers but mothers who
work outside home are not. Therefore, this study can be an eyeopener for everyone.