Procurement and supply management of Walton Hi-Tech Industries PLC
Walton Hi-Tech Industries PLC is the pioneer and first complete manufacturer of Refrigerator,
Freezer, Air Conditioner and Compressor under Electrical and Electronics Industry. It started
business as a trader then gradually started manufacturing of Refrigerator, Freezer, Air
Conditioner and Compressor. Subsequently, Walton expanded its operation in Television,
Electrical Appliances and Home Appliances that provide the foundation for nearly every aspect
of modern life.
Walton Hi-Tech Industries PLC was incorporated as a private PLC company on April 17, 2006
under the Companies Act of 1994, vide registration certificate no. C-61272 (3281)/06 and
started its business operation from 2008. Subsequently the company was registered as a “Public
PLC Company” with RJSC on May 14, 2018. The factory of Walton hi tech industrial limited
(WHIL) is located at Chandra, Kaliakoir, Gazipur, Bangladesh. This factory is treated as one of
the sophisticated manufacturing plants in Bangladesh as well as in South Asia.
The report has been organized based on Author’s hands-on practical involvement at WALTON
Group during the working period. The operation of the department highlighted in this report is
Procurement and Supply Chain Management Department of WHIPLC compared to the
established electronics industry.
In this report, in the first chapter the introductory part covered the background of the report,
the report scope, objectives of the study, sources of the information and the constrained faced
during preparing this report has been covered. The second chapter contains the profile of
Walton Group. It’s History, Vision & Mission, products, and services offered by this Group, departments of this Group and organizational structure etc. Chapter three and four cover the
supply chain activities of WALTON Group. Author focuses on SCM in Based on the overall
report author provided some recommendations for WALTON group supply chain management.