Uttara Central Mosque Complex & Eidgah: a spiritual journey & rhythm of light
The Uttara Central Mosque Complex & Eidgah, situated at the Azampur crossroads in Sector 6, Uttara, caters primarily to the local community. However, with the growing population, there is a pressing need to expand the mosque's facilities and incorporate supporting activities to meet the rising demand.
Achieving this goal will require establishing connections with the busy Uttara Sector 6 kitchen market and nearby students from various educational institutions. By combining elements that cater to the specific needs of these user groups, along with input from residents, I aim to cultivate a harmonious and collaborative environment.
This integration aims to create a harmonious environment where the site serves as a collaborative space for students, commuters, and locals regardless of religious differences. By combining various functional purposes that meet the diverse needs of the community, this initiative promotes inclusivity and encourages all groups to share and utilize the facilities together.