Black swan events and machine learning
Black Swan events refer to hard-to-predict and rare events that have a low probability
of occurrence but have widespread impacts whenever they occur, be it positive
or negative. These events can either be in the form of natural disasters, political
events or even as catastrophic financial market crashes. From the stock market
crash in 1987 to the global financial crisis in 2008 and to the most recent COVID-
19 stock market crash in 2020 that has devastated the world economy, Black Swan
events in finance have severe consequences on global socio-economy due to which not
contemplating them for their rarity is no longer an option. The purpose of this research
study is to use machine learning tools and statistical tools in order to detect,
fit and predict such critically catastrophic financial market crashes in anticipation
of capturing black swan events in future. For this, we have used the concepts of
both crashes as “outliers” [4] as termed by the authors Didier Sornette and Anders
Johansen and also crashes characterized as “drawdowns” [4] by author Emilie Jacobsson
as guidance and then analyzed and fitted major financial market crashes using
different statistical tools including an advanced non-linear generalized log-periodic
power law model proposed by Sornette and Johansen, and also different machine
learning tools including neural networks in order to predict the trend of financial
market indices. Due to complex time series of financial market index, we found
thresholds for different financial crash data exhibiting different behavior, based on
which we detected historical financial market crashes using statistical and machine
learning tools including neural networks. In order to find thresholds, we have considered
the viewpoints of author Emilie Jacobsson and authors Didier Sornette and
Anders Johansen. Using data from six major global financial market indices, we
also cross validated our models in order to evaluate them. Using these thresholds,
any supervised machine learning model can learn about financial market crashes.