Prevalence and associated risk factors of polycystic ovary syndrome in Asian countries
Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most common endocrinal disorders which 1 in 10
women are suffering from, worldwide. This disease is a multifaceted disease and does not
come alone, but brings with it, few to many co-related diseases. Despite the high rate in
prevalence, the exact etiology is yet to be known. But there are factors which are believed to
play key roles in the initiation of the disease such as- insulin resistance, genetics,
psychological disorders, Bisphenyl A, hormonal imbalances, etc. In this review article, the
prevalence of the disease among Asian women are explored on a number of basis which
include obesity, mental health, socio-economic features and an overall idea of the prevalence
condition Asia-wide. This review article also focuses on the most common risk factors which
are and have always been associated with the disease such as cardiovascular diseases,
hirsutism, hyperandrogenism, etc.