Teaching English at rural secondary schools of Bangladesh: Facilitating or disadvantaging?
This research aims at digging up the barriers and facilities of English teaching at rural secondary
schools in Bangladesh. In a country like Bangladesh, the rural areas are deprived of different
opportunities and facilities which are available in urban areas. In case of education, rural education
system is also far behind the urban education system. So along with the students, the teachers also
face different difficulties in case of teaching and learning in rural areas. However, this research
focuses on the English teachers of rural secondary schools. Since I wanted to understand the scenario
of English teaching in rural secondary schools I went for qualitative research. I visited four
secondary schools of different rural areas and interviewed the teachers and students and also
observed the English classes to get the genuine information. Though the data collected from these
four schools cannot generalize the whole picture of English teaching in rural secondary schools, it
gives important and valuable information of teaching English in rural areas of Bangladesh. This
study tries to find out the pros and cons of English teaching at rural secondary schools. Along with
the barriers, it also tries to find out whether there are any facilities in case of teaching English in rural
Teaching English; Rural areas of Bangladesh; Qualitative approach; Secondary level; Teaching methods; Advantages; DifficultiesLC Subject Headings
Education, Secondary; English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers.Description
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English, 2021.Department
Department of English and Humanities, Brac UniversityType
- Thesis, B.A. (English) [645]