Customers satisfaction of Daraz Bangladesh
DARAZ Bangladesh is the pioneer of the E-commerce industry in Bangladesh who has
brought a new era in the electronic shopping trend. It has set forth new trends for
customers and also provided an extensive number of business options. I made an effort
to include some facts in my report. In this report where it divided by three chapters.
In the First chapter I have given a brief about myself, employment overview and shared
my experiences and benefits during the work where I did my 3-month internship.
In the Second Chapter the overview of Daraz with mission, vision and the operational
processes. There I have made the internal and external analysis of Daraz based on the
customers satisfaction.
In Third Chapter where the project part is introduced with the objectives and
methodology. I have tried to measure and analyze the customer satisfaction by
analyzing the data which I have collected during my internship and I made a survey,
collected responses. Based on the survey report I found some issues and know the needs
about the customers which can help for better satisfaction.
Finally, in the report has stated some problems in findings about the service and
processes of Daraz and I have included some recommendations to overcome from the
problems for better satisfaction of its customer.
The project reveals the various processes and daily service and queries of customers.
Based on the analysis, the report made some recommendations. I made an effort to learn
about the service conditions of DARAZ and the kinds of services that customers are
expecting from Daraz. In order to satisfy customers and understand their needs and
demands, it is necessary to understand and make some changes in the service structure.