Movement to digital channel from traditional channel in the telecommunication industry
I had the opportunity to work at Robi Axiata Limited as part of a 12-week internship program to complete my Bachelor of Business Administration degree. Working with MyRobi Marketing Operations, has surely opened my eyes to the realities of the business world and what I have learned. Along with my individual views on them, I've provided both quantitative and qualitative learning and experience. I found it to be a fascinating experience to comprehend the principles that underlie actual core marketing operations since I could easily relate the practices to my theoretical knowledge. I have included all the knowledge and observation and also conducted survey to include the opinion of different age groups and incorporate those with the factors.
This study's main objective is to comprehend why customers favor digital options for dealing with Robi recharge and other services. So, in this report, I have included my learnings of how consumers are being interested in using digital media for day to day life. People purchase very frequently and they do not prefer to go for a shop to recharge which is a hassle as we can understand. Also, there are different age groups and all the consumers use very crucial services with their phone that derives them from using traditional channel as digital channel is faster. And lastly, based on the user friendliness and satisfaction level, consumers continue using the same telco service and that is why the company needs to update and upgrade their existing services. Each team of business units in the market operation team must deliver somewhat more than what rivals are offering in addition to the high-quality required services.