Automatic helmet-less biker detection using deep learning
When riders don’t wear a helmet while driving a motorcycle, they aren’t paying
attention, leading to crashes and more deaths. The researchers utilized multiple
deep-learning models to identify motorcyclists without helmets. We have to identify
correctly if a rider is wearing a helmet as we want to reduce risks regarding not
wearing a helmet. Our paper proposes a convolutional neural network-based way
to decide whether the rider carries a helmet. We utilized pre-trained deep learning
models to forecast the outcome because we used a customized dataset. These models
include EfficientNetB0, Inception, ResNet50, VGG16, and VGG19, and the results
are satisfactory. Later, we put forth our model, combining the CNN, LSTM, and
attention models. Our fusion model’s foundation is a Dialated CNN layer. Our
dilated CNN layer comprises three maximum pool layers and five convolutional
layers. LSTM and an attention model layer follow convolutional layers on a fivelayer
CNN. Additionally, we used the same model to predict three classes on a
separate dataset, and both models produced satisfactory outcomes. Our goal is to
make greater use of the deep learning technique so that it can detect with incredible
speed and precision. The test results indicate that, with a classification accuracy of
92.41%, our proposed method outperforms the alternatives we used. We have used
YOLOV8 to detect riders wearing non-helmet headwear, such as caps, hijabs, and
turbans, and have classified them as non-helmet wearers with satisfactory results.