A Proposed novel approach to face recognition using CNN
Facial recognition has emerged as a crucial technology with applications spanning
from security and surveillance to user authentication and human-computer interaction.
This work is a comprehensive study of facial recognition techniques leveraging
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), which is a class of deep learning models
known for their exceptional performance in image processing tasks. The primary
objective of my research is to develop a strong facial recognition system capable of
accurately identifying individuals across various real-world scenarios and challenges.
The thesis begins by providing an overview of the fundamentals of CNN, their architecture,
and their relevance in image-based pattern recognition. Then it delves into
the pre-processing steps involved in preparing facial images for CNN-based recognition,
including data collection, data augmentation, and face detection. Special
attention is given to handling occlusion, illumination variations, and pose changes
often encountered in real-world environments. The core of my work focuses on the
design and implementation of CNN-based facial recognition models. Different CNN
architectures are explored, and their performance is evaluated using benchmark
datasets. In this research 21000 images from Kaggle as the dataset are used. The
pre-trained models are used for the improvement of recognition accuracy, even with
limited training data. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of CNNbased
facial recognition models in achieving high accuracy and robustness across
varying conditions. This research segmented the process into three parts: Testing,
training, and validation. Firstly, the proposed CNN model was trained with this
dataset. Moreover, some pre-trained models are also run. They are: Inceptionv3,
EfficientNet B0, EfficientNet B6, Xception, and Resnet50. This contributes to the
field of facial recognition by offering a comprehensive exploration of CNN-based
techniques and addressing real-world challenges.