Implementing a customer relationship management framework to improve BRAC's global resource mobilisation efforts
This research looks at how BRAC improved its global resource mobilisation efforts by
implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) framework. According to the study,
a CRM framework's utilisation is positively correlated with BRAC's ability to mobilise
resources from abroad. The results imply that enhancing user friendliness can considerably
boost the mobilisation of resources around the world.
The results of the survey given to BRAC office employees show that there are different levels
of knowledge and experience with CRM frameworks. Despite the fact that many responders
exhibit some level of competence, it might be required to improve understanding overall with
further education and training. The vast majority of respondents concur that a CRM framework
is essential for enhancing the efficacy of international resource mobilisation initiatives. Some,
on the other hand, show ambivalence, indicating the need for more debate and explanation
regarding the advantages and difficulties of CRM deployment.
A CRM framework should be used by BRAC to improve resource mobilisation, according to
the findings. Improved communication, fundraising efforts, and donor involvement may result
from this. To respond to changing stakeholder needs, regular process evaluation and adaptation
are crucial. The survey's limitations must be taken into account, especially the small sample
size and any potential response bias. More representative samples and a focus on response bias
should be the goals of future surveys.
Finally, implementing a CRM strategy can maximise BRAC's mobilisation of worldwide
resources. BRAC may improve donor connections and be more effective in mobilising
resources by putting a priority on user friendliness, utilising technology, and offering the
necessary training.