An autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle for inspecting and supplying emergency kits at a spot of casualty in water ways
"Nowadays, Unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV) have become popular as a reliable
technological invention due to its various usability in the fields of remote observations,
surveillance and disaster response. This paper goes through three different UAV designs and analyzes them on the basis of software and hardware examination and analytical point of view of designing and implementing an UAV design, specifically a hexacopter that is put
together for coastal area inspection and emergency response scenarios.
The hexacopter model is evaluated on certain criteria such as flying time, stability, and
maneuverability using software simulation and actual demonstration. The circuits were built,and the shown designs were simulated in Blender, Solidwork, and ROS.Furthermore, we
create the budget and assess all of the data obtained from the simulations and computations.The Coastal regions are prone to have adverse environmental changes which enables safety concerns for the voyagers and compels frequent monitoring.Additionally, rapid response procedures are pivotal, extenuating emergencies like natural disasters or accidents. In order to rectify these situations, the proposed hexacopter offers an amalgamation of sustainability and malleability consisting six rotors with fixed pitch blade with elevated payload capabilities and endurance, befitting it for frequent surveillance and timely emergency interposition. The hexacopter is given GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude) by the base station via 3DR telemetry and will autonomously follow the waypoint and go to the designated place. The system will have The choice of a hexacopter came through over the other UAV layouts due to its immutability that ensures steady flight and potent maneuvering capabilities with the support of six rotters that lacks in other establishments. Additionally, its enhanced payload capabilities allows for the carrying of safety kits that can be helpful to nullify any disastrous outburst after accidents in these areas ."