Impact of lifestyle on vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy: a literature review
Vitamin D is essential for fetal growth and maternal health, and vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy can lead to various health issues, such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and preterm birth in mothers and low birth weight, neonatal hypocalcemia, and increased incidence of autoimmune diseases in infants. This literature review explores the impact of lifestyle factors on vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy. It is an important nutrient for fetal growth and maternal health and inadequacy during pregnancy can lead to various health issues. This study focuses on the impact of sun exposure, nutrition, body mass index (BMI), and other lifestyle and environmental factors on the role of Vitamin D during pregnancy. The findings indicated that insufficient sun exposure, low nutritional consumption, and a high BMI are significant causes of vitamin D insufficiency during pregnancy and incorporating lifestyle adjustments may assist pregnant women in avoiding vitamin D insufficiency.