Investigation cloud data storage
A cloud database is a database that typically runs on a cloud computing platform. Of
the databases available on the cloud, traditional data model is SQL-based. The recent
trend is to move on to NOSQL data model. Now, the question is which database
approach is better to choose in this era of ‘Big Data’? SQL databases are difficult to
scale, meaning they are not natively suited to a cloud environment, although cloud
database services based on SQL are attempting to address this challenge. On the
other hand, NOSQL databases are built to service heavy read/write loads and are
able scale up and down easily, and therefore they are more natively suited to running
on the cloud. Our aim for thesis is to investigate suitable data storage for cloud.
Considering the ‘Big Data’ scenario of today’s world, we set forth to choose the
NOSQL database model as the preferred solution for cloud computing. This paper
aims to show two investigations on different branches of cloud data storage. The first
analysis is based on the case study of performance benchmarking on 3 popular
NOSQL databases - MongoDB, Cassandra, and HBase. The next part of investigation
includes an experiment on the most popular ‘Big Data’ management framework –
namely, Hadoop. Hadoop uses MapReduce for parallel computation, but writing
MapReduce function is hard for programmers. So, our experiment is to configure
HIVE data warehousing system on the top of Hadoop as a wrapper, so that end users
gets benefit of using a SQL-like language, which is known as ‘HiveQL’ and provided
by HIVE even if with the environment of complex MapReduce function.