Brain tumor detection with convolutional neural network
The brain is the command center of our nervous system, which enables thoughts,
memories, movements, and emotions. In other words, it is the most important organ
in the human body. The human brain is very vulnerable to tumors, as merely
growing old can be the cause of a tumor. Furthermore, the effects of a tumor can
be fatal to a person because, as the tumor grows inside the brain, it can deform the
structure of the brain and cause several diseases, the most fatal being cancer in the
brain. Hence, to prevent such severe diseases, early detection of tumors is critical
for a patient’s treatment. Moreover, modern technology has emerged to excellent
heights, as MRI scans and CT scans can detect brain tumor regions. However, to
accurately detect where the tumor is situated, a team of doctors is still needed to
this day. Therefore, we have planned to use convolutional neural Networks to develop
a faster and inexpensive method to detect tumors from MRI images in the
early stages. Moreover, we plan to develop a system where our proposed CNN
model will be able to detect tumors as well as identify three types of tumors, which
are glioma, meningioma and pituitary tumors. Also, if there are no tumors, the
system should be able to detect them too. To develop our proposed model, we
have used data pre-processing techniques with a combination of gray scaling, One
encoding, and CLAHE. Also, we have used a dataset of 6484 MRI images, segmenting
them by testing and training. To compare and analyze our proposed model’s
performance, we have tested and trained seven pre-trained models with the same
dataset. The models are Vgg16, Vgg19, ResNet50, InceptionV3, DenseNet-121,
EfficientNetB0, MobileNet and we received the following testing accuracy accordingly:
93.37%, 92.42%, 75.38%, 91.48%, 94.89%, 23.30% and 96.02%. However, the
testing accuracy of our proposed model surpassed all the other pre-trained models,
as it gained 98.11% accuracy in testing. In conclusion, we have aimed to build a
CNN model that exceeds all the other CNN models in terms of overall performance,
which is why we have integrated a sufficient amount of parameters to handle any
unfavorable situations; however, the parameters are set in such a way that the overall
system does not clutter and remains lightweight.