Enhancing the digital reputation score of Airtel buzz
In this report, I've included quantitative and qualitative learnings, as well as personal reflections
on them. Understanding the methodologies underpinning real-life core branding activities was an
enthralling experience for me since I could quickly connect the practices to my theoretical
learnings. The major goal of this research is to identify potential tactics to execute that will result
in an increased Digital Reputation Score for Airtel Buzz. I was in charge of developing tactics for
Airtel Buzz's social media platforms in order to increase favorable attitude among customers over
time. I could immediately connect theoretical understanding to corporate life activities.
One of the fundamental goals of every brand operating in a competitive industry is to stay relevant
in the minds of customers through innovative campaigns and collecting as many market shares as
possible in order to deal with churning concerns. On top of top-notch required services, it is vital
for each team of firm units in the market operation team to deliver a little bit more than what
competitors are providing. Because the younger generation of Airtel's target consumers enjoys
staying online, the Airtel Brand business unit decided to use the opportunity to develop specialized
marketing methods based on their previously established core competency of being the best
network for today's youth. This report includes the selected tactics to fulfill the study's purpose
while providing insights into the dynamic operations of a multinational corporation's market
operation division in our country, based on information obtained during the internship term and
careful analysis by specialists.