A decentralized blockchain-based model to secure confidential medical information
"Nowadays in the current situation security in preserving data, keeping credentials
is essential. Everytime a patient goes to a different healthcare institute that patient
needs to go through checkup, most of the times same medical tests repetitively.
Because of this inefficiency, the cost in the healthcare sector keeps increasing thus
proper health care is not ensured for general people.Though in many healthcare institute a centralized data server(EHS) is used which is a problem because of single
point of failure. In a centralized data storing system hacker can deploy cyber attack
that’s why a decentralized data storing system is needed. Though a decentralized
data storing system is expensive comparing to centralized system it can provide
security, privacy,transparency and interoperability. For deploying decentralized system blockchain can ensure privacy as well as data integrity because if any data is
added to the block chain it would be immutable(can’t be changed). In our proposed
model medical records are encrypted and stored outside a blockchain and location
of the records and other transaction information are stored in the blockchain where
repetitive cost will be reduced and accountability among healthcare providers will be
established.This thesis paper propose a blockchain based healthcare system where
access of patient data is controlled effectively"