Impact and challenges for the procurement of new products for a sustainable pharmaceutical industry
The goal of the study was to determine the fundamental difficulties and important facets
involved in the launch of new pharmaceutical goods, as well as the typical approach taken to
deal with the difficulties that were identified. Finding out the importance of unique and creative
ways in the promotion of new pharmaceutical products and the impact that this has on the
market value of these products was the second most significant goal of this research.
The methodology that I used conducted an analysis of the data using a statistical technique,
and the findings were described in the appropriate context.
Findings: In this age of innovation and creativity, "perfect product launch" and lifecycle
management are now viewed in a different and expanded way, so the strategies would be
accordingly. This is because companies now a days think about virtually every aspect of
research, marketing, product development, suppliers, materials management, manufacturing,
distribution, warranty and defect management, maintenance repair and overhaul, and product
end of life and disposal. This requires the strategies to be adjusted accordingly.
The obstacles that must be overcome in order to successfully introduce a new product to the
market and keep it competitive there are growing in number. These obstacles are typically
conquered by coming up with unique and creative solutions both during and after the
introduction of a product. And as a result, its development is being supported by active
investments, grants by developing economies. This research could be valuable for the
researcher who has an interest in marketing, and it could also be useful for whose companies
have recently released a product or are about to launch one.