Implementation of safety measures to counter a driver’s drowsiness
People often suffer from drowsiness if they drive for prolonged hours. As a result, they are
unable to take proper decisions while driving which could lead to severe accidents, even
fatalities. This is a global issue which needs to addressed and to combat this dreadful affair, we
have proposed three different methods which may be used to reduce the number of road
accidents and at the same time save the environment from nature damages and economic losses
caused by driving while being drowsy. It not only clinches the safety of the driver but the
passengers as well as the pedestrians on roads. There are different way of detecting drowsiness
while driving such as using image processing, usage of eye blink sensors, pulse monitoring
system as mentioned in this paper. Furthermore, there are other approaches in addition to the
mentioned approaches to detection drowsiness and with the help of these techniques, we can
make a difference in creating a safer environment to live in.