Detection of Deepfake using computer vision and deep learning
Brac UniversityAuthor
Rahman, AnisurUschash, Ehteshamul Islam
Rahman, Faria
Adiba, Shihaba Jamal Chowdhury
Labib, Tahmidul
Show full item recordAbstract
In this era of Metaverse and technological advancement, Deepfakes are one of the
most alarming concepts. Deepfakes are mostly synthetically-generated manipulated
photos or videos which is created swapping a face of a person using Deep learning, Generated Adversarial Network (GAN), autoencoder-decoder pairing structure.
There are several other Deepfaking tools such as; FaceSwap, DeepFaceLab, DFaker,
DeepFake-tensorflow etc. Using Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), Deepfakes
have become smoother and more realistic in making the fake videos. DeepFakes can
become concerning if it is used for political purpose, committing fraud, spreading
misinformation, pornography, defamation on social media etc. This possesses a security threat on people’s lives knowingly or unknowingly. As a result, it is visible
that DeepFakes can be very distressing on the wrong hand if not detected properly.
Our purpose is to detect the DeepFake videos as successfully as possible. We want
to focus on detection using Deep learning approaches also using Image recognition
and computer vision. For this detection, we used a dataset of videos, which included both real and fake videos. We have successfully extracted it from Kaggle
where we have found dataset of more than 2352 videos from DeepFake Detection
Challenge(DFDC) and FaceForensics++. To detect the fake videos, we followed
the method of employing temporal feature and exploring visual artifacts within
frames. Employing temporal feature uses LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) and
CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) whereas visual artifacts within frames mostly
employs deep learning method to detect DeepFakes. We ensembled LSTM (Long
Short-Term Memory) and CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) to detect DeepFakes successfully. ResNeXt101_32x8d have been used to extract features and a
custom CNN model is added with LSTM for better accuracy for detecting DeepFake.
The accuracy of the model was 94.05%. After further improvement and with the introduction of learning rate schedulers, we were able to achieve better accuracy. We
have used CosineAnnealingLR, CyclicLR, MultiStepLR and ReduceLRonPlateau
among which MultiStepLR gave the highest accuracy of 95.33%.