Risk based hybrid security model for enhancing eHealth services of cloud system
E-health is a relatively new healthcare innovation that incorporates electronic operations and communication. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) or Electronic Medical Record (EMR) in an e-health system contains all health data information, such as demographics, prescriptions, medical histories, laboratory reports, photographs, billing information, and any other sensitive patient information. Any unauthorized access has the potential to be devastating. In order to establish a highly secured model for EHR, our paper emphasizes the problem of the study and directions in cyber security. Cloud computing, on the other hand, provides excellent services to both patients and healthcare providers in terms of cost-effective data storage, processing, and updating, as well as better quality and enhanced efficiency. We aim to ensure that security and privacy are essential when accessing or sharing patient data among several stakeholders. In addition, we want to postulate an effective robust security method for EHR which will be a combination of data encryption and risk based access control which will give access to data by calculating and comparing risk scores of different parameters associated with the user’s past activity. Also, explore methods to preserve the accuracy and secrecy of patients’ data, as confidentiality and anonymity are considered to be important components when sharing or trying to access patient data between multiple stakeholders.