Kubernetes performance analysis on different architectures
The web as we know it is continuously evolving and changing its shape rapidly. And every day the rate of new technologies being introduced is also increasing. Kubernetes is an excellent tool for cloud computing. Kubernetes is still in its early days. Developers are changing their deployment strategy to use Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a powerful tool for horizontal scaling. Cloud providers like GCP, AWS, Azure, and Oracle are offering Kubernetes services. They offer both x86 and ARM plat-forms. But x86 covers most of the market and very few people are currently working on ARM. We want to find out a more efficient and cost-effective implementation of Kubernetes. ARM offers cheap cloud products at a cheaper rate. ARM is energy efficient and ARM is a newer CPU design than traditional x86. We want to compare the Kubernetes performance on x86 vs ARM to study whether moving to ARM is a better option or not.