Corn leaf disease detection using deep convolution neural network
Detecting corn leaf diseases helps farmers identify and treat impacted crops. Early
disease identification reduces crop loss. Manual leaf diagnostic imaging takes time
and is prone to mistakes. This thesis proposes a deep convolutional neural network
(CNN) model for autonomous corn leaf disease identification. PlantVillage and
PlantDoc were utilized. The dataset contains 4,188 photos of healthy maize leaves
and three corn leaf illnesses. The photos have disease labels. We rotated, flipped,
and scaled images for augmentation. After augmentation, the total number of photos
in the dataset is about 12,000. We trained our CNN model using pre-trained ar chitectures like InceptionResNetV2, MobileNetV2, ResNet50, VGG19, InceptionV3,
VGG16, and DenseNet201. These architectures were chosen for their image feature
extraction and large dataset learning capabilities. We used transfer learning to fine tune a model using a pre-trained model. The model accurately detects corn leaf
diseases in new photos. The model is computationally light, making it suited for
smartphones and drones. A maize leaf disease detection mobile app was created
using the proposed CNN model. The application can detect corn leaves uploaded
by anyone. An API analyzes an image using our proposed model from the device’s
camera or gallery when a user selects it.